
消费者报告损失了8美元.8 billion to fraud in 2022 – up from $3.30亿美元. Learn how to spot common utility scams so you won’t be a victim.
opening front door and signing contact

Scams have become increasingly frequent and more sophisticated in recent years, and it seems that fraudsters will stop at nothing, employing tactics that range from the promise of a lower electricity rate to outright threats to cut off service. The most common victims of utility scams are the elderly and people who are not native English speakers. Here are some common ways scammers attempt to defraud the public, and how to thwart their efforts.


在这种骗局中, people claiming to work for Unitil go door to door in your neighborhood, offering better rates to customers who live in deregulated states. 在最好的情况下, the scammer will offer an introductory or “teaser” rate if you agree to switch; at worst, 他们将 assert that changing suppliers is mandatory, or they’ll ask to see your utility bill so they can get your account number and switch your energy supplier without your knowledge (a practice known as “slamming.”)


While most Unitil customers have the option to take supply service from a third-party energy supplier, Unitil does not endorse one specific company over any other and does not employ door-to-door outreach on any supplier's behalf.

一定要索要身份证明, and if someone comes to your door claiming to work for Unitil and offering a long-term energy contract, call Unitil Customer Service at 1-888-301-7700 立即. 了解更多关于 在这里识别我们的员工.


It could take the form of an email or phone call, or someone might simply show up at your door, threatening to shut off your gas or electricity for nonpayment. They will likely make a demand for payment on the spot, often in the form of an untraceable method (prepaid debit card, 电汇, 或cryptocurrency).


These scammers prey upon their victims by instilling fear, and will often provide a fake phone number. They may even go so far as to record a welcome message at that number that sounds legitimate. Don’t take their word for it – log in to your MyUnitil online account, or call Customer Service at 1-888-301-7700 to find out the status of your account. While we do place courtesy calls if you are at risk for disconnection, these are usually automated. Our representatives have your account information so there is no need to ask for personal information. 

It's also important to note that while a service tech will go to a door before a legitimate shut-off, 他们将 从来没有 attempt to collect money or accept payment from the customer. Any payments will be directed through our official website, 通过呼叫客户服务, or by using our automated phone system. 找到所有合法的 付款方式.


You’ll get a call or email stating that you overpaid your utility bill, and the fraudster will ask for bank or credit card information (or even your 社会保险号) so that they can refund the money to you directly.


In the event that you did overpay, the overage will appear as a credit on your next bill. Unitil will not call you to arrange for a refund. If you are the recipient of such a call, simply hang up and report the suspicious activity to the local authorities.


Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to obtain personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. 在网络钓鱼骗局中, you might receive an email that may look like it’s from Unitil instructing you to click on a link to pay your bill online. In addition to obtaining personal information, such links are also used to download a virus to your computer.


If you haven’t specifically requested to receive your gas or electric bill by email, 点击前打电话. Our Customer Service team will be happy to provide you with the information you need to make a payment if, 事实上, 付款到期. Or, simply log in to your MyUnitil account – our secure online portal – and follow the links on the My 账户s page to make a payment.

你知道吗?? One in ten American adults will fall victim to a scam or fraud every year.


  • 骗子诈骗, in which the scammer pretends to be a representative of your utility, is the most common type of fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • All Unitil employees carry company-issued identification, and you can always call us to verify this information.
  • Never share personal information, 比如出生日期, 社会保险号, or bank account information with a caller or visitor you don’t know.